God, in His loving kindness and tender mercies has seen fit to allow us to embark upon yet a New Year! For this we are truly grateful unto our God. As we look back over 2022, we have all experienced pain, hurt and challenge. However, Thanks be to God that He yet showed an infinite love through His ability to navigate our course the present.
As we now look ahead, it is our God-given mandate to “press toward the mark of the high calling, which is in Jesus Christ.” We must press through our dreams and visions; press by “not being conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of the mind through Christ Jesus.”
As we look ahead, we should think like we’ve thought, believe like we’ve never believed, and trust like we’ve never trusted. Remember, if we are to have what we have never had, we must do what we’ve never done.
Therefore, it’s important that we become intentional as the “Church” for a time such as this. We are not competing, but we are “running the race with patience.” We must be intentional without compromise in our prayerful efforts to become and remain the Church that the Lord seeks in these challenging times.
I encourage each and all to join efforts with us as we “stand on the promises of Christ our Savior.” let us hold up and hold out…after all, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Your fellow servant in Christ,
William J. Reid